Two Handed Warriors

How Millennials Who Gave Up on Church are Redefining Faith and Re-engaging Community: Series Intro

What looks like the death of religion in America, may in fact be the birth pangs of one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in history.

by Gary David Stratton, PhD

Millennials are abandoning hierarchical spectator churches

For nearly 400 years American churches have counted on Easter Sunday as the day of their largest attendance.  But if you’re watching carefully, attendance at traditional churches is getting smaller and smaller every year, especially among young adult “Millennials” (or “Mosiacs,” or “Generation Y.”)

Yet if you walk into some of the most thriving churches in Hollywood, such as Reality, Ecclesia, or Basileia, you are immediately struck by overwhelming swarms of Millennials.  What gives?

Are Millennails leaving the church, or coming back to it?  Or is the answer MUCH more complicated?

While swarming redefined faith communities committed to justice and relational connection (Baptism at Basileia Hollywood)

In honor of Easter we’re running a week of special posts on why so many Millennials are leaving the church, why they are coming back to something far different than the church they left, and how they are changing American religion in the process.

Millennial writers and spiritual formation leaders and a few of us more “seasoned” folks will weigh in on various aspects of the topic. Lord willing, it will contribute to a greater understanding of where the Holy Spirit is taking the church in the coming decades.

You Lost Me

We kick off the conversation with two posts by David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group and a beloved former student and friend. David is an ongoing THW contributor and one of the most thoughtful “public intellectuals” on the subject of Millennial Faith (he calls them “Mosaics”).

I wept my way through his two latest books, unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters (with Gabe Lyons) and You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church…and Rethinking Faith as he traced the reasons why young adults raised in evangelicalism are giving up on church, but not faith.

Along the way, I hope you come to the same conclusion that Sue and I have: what looks like the death of religion in America, may in fact be the birth pangs of one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in history.


Next: Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church, by David Kinnaman


28 thoughts on “How Millennials Who Gave Up on Church are Redefining Faith and Re-engaging Community: Series Intro

  1. Pingback: Friday Video: Follow Jesus, Gather in Missional Communities – @BasileiaLA | Two Handed Warriors

  2. Pingback: Millennials Receptive to but Highly Critical of Christianity, by Billy Roberts | Two Handed Warriors

  3. Pingback: New Study Reveals Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church, by Robert P. Jones, PhD | Two Handed Warriors

  4. Pingback: Millennials Receptive To But Highly Critical Of Christianity

  5. Pingback: Can Anything Good Come from Hollywood? Acton Institute Interview with Gary David Stratton | Two Handed Warriors

  6. Pingback: Millennial Data Love Debate: Why We Keep Arguing Over the Data We Discover | Two Handed Warriors

  7. gloria coffin

    Let me introduce myself. As a 65 year old ordained Wesleyan minister who was raised in the Calvinist tradition, my fifteen year vision fits smack in the center of this Millenial need. There hasn’t been time for me to read the entire series, but I find nothing surprising or shocking thus far.

    What I do see is supportive data for a community centered ministry which does NOT default to religion or church as usual. There are individuals out here who see a spiritual design for the current search. We just can’t quite figure out how to break through the justified wall of resistance to communicate our passion for a place they can freely experience their personal relationship in a collective endeavor.

    Are you hearing from others like myself? I’d like to connect with them, but I don’t want to evangelize what does not need evangelizing and I fear many in my position think they are “onto something” but are only reinventing the wheel.

    Personally, I am ready to separate from my “church” to develop a whole new approach to collective faith processed internally, experienced externally. Moving from A to B is the challenge.

    Thanks for you r efforts in this regard. It’s coming. We just have to find the key to open the door.


  8. Pingback: You Found Me: Why Many Emerging Adults are so Spiritually Mature, by @drtoddwhall PhD | Two Handed Warriors

  9. Pingback: Forget The Church, Follow Jesus, by Andrew Sullivan in Newsweek / ‘Reverts’ return to their childhood religions, by Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY | Two Handed Warriors

  10. Pingback: Millennials Creating a New ‘Religion’ by @mike__friesen | Two Handed Warriors

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