Two Handed Warriors

About Two-Handed Warriors

Reimagining Faith and Culture One Story at a Time

What Inigo Montoya taught us about world-shaping leadership

Educators, filmmakers, ministers, and leaders of all stripes share a common desire to influence society for good. What we lack is a common language for understanding one another’s perspectives

by Gary & Sue Stratton 

“These were the men who came to David while he was banished from the presence of Saul. They were among the warriors who helped him in battle. They were able to shoot arrows or to sling stones with both the right and the left. Warriors who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”      -1 Chronicles 12
Inigo Montoya and the Man in Black model two-handed swordplay (The Princess Bride: MGM Home Entertainment)

So we named this site Two-Handed Warriors in the hope it would grow into an ongoing conversation between filmmakers, educators, philanthropists, and faith leaders who aspire to become modern-day versions of the Inigo Montoya. Men and women devoted to expertise in BOTH faith formation and culture-making. Professionals who “understand the times and know what to do,” namely, that redefining faith and culture one story at a time is our best hope for accomplishing our respective missions.
Our students can tell the difference as well. We started using film in the classroom long before we moved to Hollywood. Now, we cringe when we think of how poorly I understood what I was teaching. Not that I am an expert now, Yet, the new understanding of story I gained in Hollywood pushed my teaching in spiritual formation and theology (two disciplines rooted in story) to an entirely new level. One of Gary’s students recently wrote in a course evaluation: