With college debt at an all-time high and twenty-something employment at an all-time low, only 47% of Millennial graduates believe attending college was ‘worth it.’
The Future of Faith in Film? Youth and Evangelicals Outstrip All Other Movie-going Audiences, by David Kinnaman
No one is surprised that 18-28 year-olds watch twice as many movies as any other age group. What is surprising is that the average number of movies self-identified ‘evangelicals’ saw in 2012 is larger than followers of any other religion. If Hollywood is listening then the future of movies could be greatly shaped by tastes of young Christ-followers.
What Christian Women Think About Lifestyles, Priorities and Time Commitments
Women in American churches know how they want to be perceived by others: they want to be influenced by the Bible, and reject the idea of being heavily affected by the media. But is this an actuality or merely an aspiration?
David Kinnaman discusses new Barna research.
What Women Think of Leadership and Their Role in the Church
Part 2 in series: Women of Faith in Leadership “There is an enormous range of experiences for women in today’s churches, from those who are very satisfied to those who feel as if the church is one of the least welcoming…