Two Handed Warriors

Future of Faith Film & TV

2016 Movies and TV Reflect Americans’ Changing Relationship with Faith, by Alissa Wilkinson

Art provides a place for us to deal with our own fears and search for meaning. Entertainment lets us do this together. When we’re trying to figure out one another while also sorting out our own beliefs about right, wrong, belief, doubt, and the transcendent, it looks, from 2016, like we’ve decided the screen is a decent place to start.

The Future of Faith in Film? Youth and Evangelicals Outstrip All Other Movie-going Audiences, by David Kinnaman

The Future of Faith in Film? Youth and Evangelicals Outstrip All Other Movie-going Audiences, by David Kinnaman

No one is surprised that 18-28 year-olds watch twice as many movies as any other age group. What is surprising is that the average number of movies self-identified ‘evangelicals’ saw in 2012 is larger than followers of any other religion. If Hollywood is listening then the future of movies could be greatly shaped by tastes of young Christ-followers.