Surprise! Researchers who hog credit on scientific papers are less likely to win a Nobel prize than those who give younger academics a bit of the spotlight… of course it also helps to eat more chocolate!
Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals
The current spiritual awakening on Chinese campuses could provide China with its best hope for a future of peace and prosperity. The moral strength provided by genuine Christian intellectualism could help shape the People’s Republic of China into the greatest nation on earth.
Transformative Coaching: Inspiring Your Team by Demonstrating You Care, by Todd Hall, PhD
Whether you’re coaching a team, leading an organization, mentoring someone, or contributing individually to a group, Ted Atteberry’s approach to coaching practices can help you make a positive impact by leading with connection within your sphere of influence.
Lead with Connection, by Todd W. Hall, PhD
At the end of the day, people aren’t going to remember you for your titles, roles, and accomplishments. They are going to remember how you connected with them (or did not connect), because that is what’s most meaningful to them.
LOST Lessons of Leadership 3: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – Authoritarian Leadership Learns to Serve
The second season of LOST introduces yet a third approach to leadership in the person of Dr. Benjamin Linus. As evidenced in the clip below, Ben is the most dangerous type of leader in the postmodern world—a pseudo servant leader, or “power broker.”
LOST Lessons of Leadership 2: Jack’s Position of Power – Service for the Common Good
In contrast to the “asshole” style of leadership evidenced by Sawyer and his gun (see, Lesson 1), the first season of LOST open’s with a compelling story of a radically different approach: service.
LOST Lessons of Leadership: What the Island Taught Me About Heroic Character
Like all authoritarian leaders, Sawyer understood that a leadership position is often wielded very much like a gun.
One of the key storylines of LOST’s first season is the tension between Jack (Matthew Fox) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) for leadership of the small band of plane crash survivors desperately seeking to balance the twin goals of survival and rescue.
Father’s Day 2014: A Tribute and Two Poems for my Dad
It’s been two years since my Dad went into the presence of the Lord on Father’s Day weekend 2012. I can think of no better way to honor him this Father’s Day than to repost the Tribute I wrote for his Memorial service together with two poems I wrote for him growing up. I hope they help you celebrate and cherish your Father today.
Why Helping Millennials Develop as Leaders Requires a New Mindset, by Adam Vaccaro
Organizations need to shift the mindset of what a good manager does away from hitting those departmental goals–which rely on what he calls talent consumption–to graduating employees into better positions–or talent production.
Two Handed Warriors at Three Years: A Promising Start to a Common Language …Friendship!
Educators, filmmakers, ministers, and leaders of all kinds share a common desire to influence society for good. What we lack is a common language for understanding one another’s perspectives. Three years into this project I feel as if we are only just beginning to understand one another… but it’s a promising start.