Two Handed Warriors

Why Childish Gambino’s ‘This Is America’ Is a Prophetic Message We Can’t Ignore, by Andre Hen

Why Childish Gambino’s ‘This Is America’ Is a Prophetic Message We Can’t Ignore, by Andre Hen

On May 10, my daughters showed me Childish Gambino’s (Donald Glover’s) deeply disturbing Youtube sensation “This is America.” That evening, a department store in a suburban Knoxville shopping mall banned one of my dearest friends. His crime?  Shopping while black.…

2016 Movies and TV Reflect Americans’ Changing Relationship with Faith, by Alissa Wilkinson

Art provides a place for us to deal with our own fears and search for meaning. Entertainment lets us do this together. When we’re trying to figure out one another while also sorting out our own beliefs about right, wrong, belief, doubt, and the transcendent, it looks, from 2016, like we’ve decided the screen is a decent place to start.

Court Rules in Favor of Canada’s Largest Christian University in Religious Liberties Accreditation Case

“This case demonstrates that a well-intentioned majority acting in the name of tolerance and liberalism, can, if unchecked, impose its views on the minority in a manner that is in itself intolerant and illiberal,” concludes the 66-page unanimous decision signed by Chief Justice Robert Bauman and four other justices.

The Liberal Arts Major’s Revenge: Better Long Term Earning Power, By George Anders in WSJ

The Liberal Arts Major’s Revenge: Better Long Term Earning Power, By George Anders in WSJ

Once people reach their peak-earnings ages of 56 to 60, liberal-arts majors are 3% ahead of the people with degrees in vocational fields, and each discipline’s top 10% lifetime earners, both history ($3.75M) and philosophy majors’ ($3.46M) outstrip even computer science stars ($3.2M). -Wall Street Journal

Strengthening the general ed curriculum requires a change in faculty roles

Strengthening the general ed curriculum requires a change in faculty roles

The daunting goal of a general education curriculum is to inspire students and have them experience the joy of learning in the first weeks of the freshman year…. To accomplish this we must radically change our thinking not only about the roles of faculty who teach general education courses, but also who among our instructors should be assigned to teach these classes.