Two Handed Warriors

The Ride: Connecting to God in Hollywood, the Ivy League, and Beyond

by Gary David Stratton
My daughter with one of her spiritual guides.

As I write this article, I am watching my daughter take a riding lesson at the Equestrian Center in Burbank, CA. The Equestrian Center is, uh, shall we say, “oddly out of place” in urban Los Angeles. On my right, traffic on the Golden State Freeway zooms by at 65+ miles per hour. On my left, horses plod around a riding circle at, well, a lot less than 65 mph. What gives?

The overarching characteristic of the Ivy League and Hollywood is what Schmelzer calls, “Grim drivenness.
Part of ongoing series Finding God in Hollywood and Beyond: Soul-Nourishing Practices in a Soul-Deadening World
See also: Emmy Magazine Article Featuring Emmy-winning Producer Kurt Schemper, Director Korey Scott Pollard, and Gary David Stratton

The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence

Sacred Rhythms, by Ruth Haley Barton

Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, by Adele Alberg Calhoun

The Organic God, by Margaret Feinberg

The Celebration of Discipline, by Richard Foster

Invitation to a Journey, by Robert Mulholland

The Way of the Heart, by Henri Nouwen

The Life You’ve Always Wanted, by John Ortberg

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, by Peter Scazzero

The Good and Beautiful Life, by James Bryan Smith

Sacred Pathways, by Gary Thomas

The Spirit of the Disciplines, by Dallas Willard

[1] The Way of the Heart (New York: Random House, 1981), p. 9.

[2] At least in the Ivy League it is possible to get tenure!

[3] M. Maher (1975). ‘Take my yoke upon you’ (Matt. xi. 29). New Testament Studies, 22, pp 97-103

8 thoughts on “The Ride: Connecting to God in Hollywood, the Ivy League, and Beyond

  1. Pingback: DeVon Franklin and Gary David Stratton at Princeton Theological Seminary’s ‘Morality in Media’ Black History Month Event | Two Handed Warriors

  2. Pingback: Spiritually Thriving in High Stress Environments, Like #Hollywood | Two Handed Warriors

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  7. ronj

    Wow, a fur lined cinch strap on an english saddle, that is one fancy outfit. I grew up around horses and I never saw a horse with a cap like that around the ears. Is that to deaden loud sounds so the horse doesnt spook? Being around a freeway that is probably a good idea.
    Anyway, I am happy for you and your daughter. My family had horses and it was some of the very best memories of my youth. I think an equal part of Micaiah's experience is cleaning stalls. I also worked at a dude ranch for a couple summers and cleaned stalls for 30 horses. Being involved that intimately with the animals is as precious as the riding. As Christians, we often like to fellowship with each other, but it is when we clean up after each other that the bonding really starts to happen.
    I don't remember too many spiritual lessons from riding though. However, as a guy, I was very respectful of a horses withers when trotting and riding bareback. Oh yah, you know that will recenter your soul real fast.

  8. Pingback: Emmy Magazine Article Featuring Emmy-winning Producer Kurt Schemper, Director Korey Scott Pollard, and Gary David Stratton | Two Handed Warriors

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