Reflections on Leadership, Faith and Culture by Drs. Sue & Gary David Stratton
Inigo Montoya named ‘Chief Inspirator’ by Two Handed Warriors
Lifetime achievement award for humble swordsman and accomplished pirate
“Our hope is that this award not only inspires a new generation of culture-makers and faith builders to seek to master two-handed warfare but also brings Iñigo the peace he’s sought since leaving the revenge business.” -Gary David Stratton, THW Founder
by the Two Handed Warrior Staff
Hello, my name is Iñigo Montoya.
Iñigo Montoya,the original Two-Handed Warrior, was honored with the lifetime achievement award of ‘Chief Inspirator’ by at the THW awards banquet at the Gildor Hyatt-Regency last night.
Inspired by the death of his father at the hands of Count Tyrone Rugen, his lifetime of study in search of revenge drove him to attain the level of ‘Master’ (and according to Goldman, even ‘Wizard’) of Sword-play with both his right hand and his left. After a brief period of unemployment in Greenland, Iñigo was able to overcome alcohol addiction with the help of his lifelong friend, Fessik the Giant, and return to the business of revenge.
In the employ of Man in Black, Inc., Iñigo led one of the more remarkable princess rescues of all time. William Goldman later adapted his exploits into a novel and a film, The Princess Bride (1987), which was named one of the 101 Greatest Screenplays ever written by the Writer’s Guild of America. Beautifully portrayed by Mandy Patinkin, the scene chronicling Iñigo’s successful assassination of Count Rugen is considered one of the Top 100 Movie Scenes of All-Time.
Later, Iñigo’s influence upon Gary David Stratton was key to the founding of and many other culturally influential institutions. In 2015, named Iñigo Montoya, ‘CHIEF INSPIRATOR’ for his work in inspiring two-handed warriors across Hollywood, Higher Education, and beyond. Senior Editor, Gary David Stratton, noted in his awards speech, “Our hope is that this award not only inspires a new generation of culture-makers and faith builders to seek to master two-handed warfare, but also brings Iñigo the peace he’s sought since leaving the revenge business.”
Inigo currently serves as Dread Pirate Roberts on the pirate ship Revenge, but plans an early retirement to join Fezzik, MIB founder, Wesley and his bride Buttercup in Patagonia. He can be reached on Twitter at @IAmInigoMontoya.