Part 6 of: Hollywood & Higher Education: Teaching Worldview Through the Stories We Live By
From a worldview perspective, George is asking God–who has never been more than an otherworldly ideal to him–to directly intervene in his physicalist world.
by Gary David Stratton, Ph.D. • Senior Editor

The depressed idealist at home: “You call this a happy home? Why do we have to have all these kids?”
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) provides a wonderful expression of the complicated interplay between the macro-worlviews of Physicalism and Idealism as life-interpreting stories in the life of its main character, George Bailey. At the outset of the film George is caught in the vice between these two warring worldviews. He is an idealist at heart, anxious for freedom from the physicalism of running the family business where his father is trapped “spending all your life trying to figure out how to save three cents on a length of pipe.” However, after his father’s untimely death, his own idealistic commitment to save the Bailey Building and Loan locks George into an ongoing struggle between these two powerful worldviews. Day after day he labors in the physicalist world of dollars and cents, while steadfastly maintaining his idealistic commitment to honesty, compassion, and justice.
George is a typical modern in that he simply cannot resolve the tension between physicalism and idealism. While the intuited ideals passed to him by his family’s worldview are strong enough to shape his own life, the dualistic skepticism imparted to him by his broader culture is dissolving his confidence that his ideals are actually making any difference in the physical world. Even a lifelong romance with his ever-ebullient wife Mary (Donna Reed) isn’t enough to stem George’s growing angst.
Physicalism at its worst
It is important to recognize how Capra sets up the conflict between George Bailey and the main opposing character, Mr. Potter: “the wealthiest man in town.” Potter (Lionel Barrymore) is the very incarnation of physicalism in its most devastating form—nihilism. To him, there is no meaning in his universe save his own will to dominate others through the power of his wealth. Early in the film, George contrasts his father’s idealist view of human beings with Potter’s nihilistic perspective:
George: People were human beings to him, but to you,
a warped frustrated old man, they're cattle.
To Potter, men like Peter and George Bailey and their “so called ideals” are simply poor businessmen unwilling to dominate those around them for self-gain. Their idealism is nothing but “sentimental hogwash!”
Potter will stop at nothing to get his hands on the Building and Loan—coercion, intimidation, seduction. Yet, nothing succeeds. As a “steadfast main character,” George holds onto his ideals despite of the growing physical proof that his ideals have failed him.
The film’s defining moment arrives when George’s business partner, Uncle Billy, loses a $8,000 bank deposit. (Actually, Potter steals it.) Crushed between the physicalist realities of “bankruptcy and scandal and prison.” George chooses the idealist value of self-sacrifice and takes the blame for the shortfall. Finally surrendering to Potter’s domination, George asks his wealthy enemy for a loan. Seizing the moment, Potter not only refuses to help, he swears out a warrant for George’s arrest. But before he does, he trashes George’s entire life story in a devastating radical physicalist appraisal of the failure of George’s ideals:
Potter: You once called me a warped, frustrated old man.
What are you but a warped, frustrated, young man?
A miserable little clerk, crawling in here on your hands
and knees and begging for help. No securities––no stocks––
no bonds––nothing but a miserable little $500
equity in a life insurance policy. [laughs]
You're worth more dead than alive.
With nowhere else to turn, George makes the ultimate Idealist leap and turns to the one person in Bedford Falls he hopes might be more powerful than Mr. Potter: God. For the first time we see that George’s ideals are rooted not just in his family’s story, but in the broader Christian story of a theistic worldview. While he is “not a praying man,” George reaches out to the God whose story undergirds the ideals he lives by.
Idealism Breaking In
Don’t miss the courage of how Capra sets up the solution to George Bailey’s dilemma. From a worldview perspective, George is asking for the God–who has never been more than an otherworldly ideal to him–to intervene in the physicalist world. He is not asking for strength and courage to live out his ideals through this dark hour (as noble and important as such a prayer might be), he is asking God to reach into the physical universe and change it. He is asking God to reach out of the circle of heaven and break into the box of the earth.
George’s prayer is the very essence of Biblical theism wherein idealism and physicalism are reconnected and redeemed. George is not asking for the subjective private truth of his ideals to prevail, he is asking for objective public proof that God is alive and active in the world. In the pre-dualistic language of Jesus, he is asking for a God to exert his rulership on the earth so that “his will is done on ( the physicalist) earth as it is in (idealist) heaven.”
What’s more, Capra has insured that the audience already knows what George doesn’t: God is listening! The movie opens, not only with George’s prayer, but also the countless prayers of his family and friends flooding heaven with petitions on his behalf. While the corny constellation graphics are a bit over the top and his human-turned-angel theology flawed, Capra makes certain that audience knows that the world he has constructed in his film is inhabited not merely by physical human beings, but God, and angels, and human souls.
It is NOT a merely a physicalist world. It is an idealist one as well. They are interconnected. When a despondent George drives to the bridge to end his own miserable failure of an idealistic life, the world of ideals breaks into the physical world in the person of one very star-crossed angel–Clarence.
Clarence: You've been given a great gift, George --
A chance to see what the world would be like without you.
Needless to say, the rest of the film is slow and certain vindication of George’s idealist worldview in the physicalist world of sense perception. One-by-one, Clarence reinterprets George’s idealistic decisions on an even deeper level than George ever imagined. George was just trying to the “right” thing. As it turns out, he was also doing the “world-changing” thing. Not only is God willing to break into the physical world by his actions; George Bailey is changing the outcome of the physical universe in the direction of the will of God by his own idealistic actions.
Capra’s vision expresses the heart and soul of Christian theistic idealism: the possibility of the knowledge of God being manifest not only in the private realm of subjective knowledge, but also in the public world of sense perception. Jesus taught his disciple to pray for the “public” manifestation of the compassion and power of God, because “through answered prayer Jesus’ students experienced God as alive and active in the physical world.” He not only proclaimed the reality of the unseen (idealist) kingdom of God, he demonstrated its reality in the (physicalist) world through supernatural answers to prayer. (See, With Prayer in the School of Christ.)
Divine “in-breaking” is a key element of Capra’s film. Just as people could “know” that the kingdom of God was “breaking into” the kingdoms of this world through supernatural answers to prayer in Jesus’ ministry, George Bailey (and vicariously, Capra’s audience) “knows” (in Hebraic language, understands by experience) that God has broken into his world. Just as Jesus called for his followers to bet their lives on the “unseen” ideals of the kingdom on the basis of the “seen” supernatural interventions of God (John 14:11), so George Bailey reaffirms his commitment to his unseen ideals because of God’s physical intervention in his life. As Clarence concludes:
Clarence: You see George, you've really had a wonderful life.
Don't you see what a mistake it would be to just throw it away?
Capra’s moral premise is clear: despite strong physical evidence to the contrary, living in the light of idealism is “a wonderful life,” because those ideals are rooted in God himself. It is worth being an idealist even in a world dominated by physicalism, because as important as the physical world is, it is not all there is. They are interconnected in ways that George’s dualism (and skeptical hold upon his idealism) prevented him from ever imagining. [1]
Next: It’s a Wonderful Life #3: The Courage to Live (and Create Art) Idealistically
[1] I am fairly confident that, like most artists, Capra intuited these worldview issues and expressed them in his art far beyond what he could have explained philosophically. For more insight into the concept of a “moral premise,” see, Stanley D. Williams, The Moral Premise: Harnessing Virtue & Vice for Box Office Success (Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions, 2006).
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I love this movie! And love how you described George’s prayer as asking God to break into the physical world.
This article and the film have really opened up the notion of sticking to my ideals. I think that everyone has their own set of ideals and way of life that they try to live with but end up battling because of the physicalism in the world. It seems that, as was the case with George Bailey, it is easy for me to overlook the positive influence I have had while striving towards my ideals and focus more on the physical things I have not obtained. I hope that I am now more perceptive to the things such as the joy I bring to kids I have coached in youth football and not worry so much about the bonus I didn't get at work. Although it seems like a simple approach to life the task has proven more difficult than expected thus far.
“What I learned from It’s a Wonderful Life about Atheism, Idealism, and Physicalism and their impact in my life.”
In response to this beloved movie and reading Part II, I would have to say I never really thought much about the combination of both the idealistic and physicalistic worldviews in my own Christian faith. While I had a strong notion that I was not 'heavy-footed' in one or the other, reading the explanations in conjunction with the movie brought these two to light for me. I have learned that the combination of the two worldviews can exist in that one shows God's hope for mankind and the other His actual intervention within.
This movie presents a moving tale of idealism in a world full of other ideas. George is a good man who is torn again and again by the people like Potter who only see the world for what they can take(physicalism). George is a man of high morals and character. Through his good works with the bank George proves that a life filled with faith, family and friends is no match for physicalism or the materialistic world we live in today. I realy enjoyed how God sent Clarence to be George's savior in his darkest hour. God does this for all of us just not in such obvious ways. This movie reminded me that good is always present even at the worst of time. God is always listening and he is there for us. We just have to listen.
I have for years watched this movie during the Christmas season. In fact the first year I watched the movie in it's entirety I was in a spot in my live where the character really spoke to me. As a young man I had my life mapped out and was as sure of myself and my future as every. Much in the same way George Baily and I were idealist. The world was ours to explore, but certain events in both George Bailey life and mine caused us to examine and question our worldviews. With the loss of a job and financial devastation on the horizon I came face to face with a realization similar to George. My worldview was changing and I was having a hard time maintaining the idealist outlook I once had, So at Christmas time I found my self on a slippery slope and needing help a lot like George although I did not find myself on a bridge I did find myself enlisting Divine intervention. As the movie ended, I for a short period of time felt as though I had connected with George and we both had been given a second opportunity in life to make a difference in our families' lives. The movie still tugs at my heart as I relive the struggles George and I have shared. I am very thankful that I did not go the way of Potter and become a financial hoarder when my job returned. The temptation was their to shift toward a physicalism worldview, but each year I watch the movie and remind myself how lucky I am to have been given a second chance and just like George I want make the most of of my new opportunity,
Wow, thank you for sharing Kevin! What a blessing to have been 'saved' from a Potter life before you started on that path.
It's unfortunate that you had to go through such a situation, but it is also nice to know that you can make such a connection with George and take more out of the movie. This film is definitely an eye opener for me and hopefully many others about the impact we have in the world. It may seem insignificant to us when we're dreaming of bigger and better things, but the bigger and better things are right in front of us as long as we are able to recognize it. Thanks for sharing your story.
One of the things that I learned about worldviews while watching 'It's a Wonderful Life' is that they are not always mutually exclusive. There's a lot of focus on the contrasting, and even battling, worldviews of Idealism and Physicalism; George Bailey's idealism drives him to want to escape the "box" (physicalism) that Bedford Falls and his father's life represents. He idealizes that happiness lies outside that box and so has a hard time recognizing the joy that a life of simplicity self-sacrifice and can provide him. Not until after his Dickens sequence of seeing what life would be life without him does he recognize the good he has managed to do from within the box and how it is truly fulfilling. So his physicalism becomes his idealism. The movie, along with the articles here, have showed me that perspective plays a role in worldview and that idealism and physicalism can influence each other.
GREAT insight! They are NOT mutually exclusive!!!
I like your point about perspective. Throughout the movie I thought that George was living a good life and helpign the world; just at the community level. It wasn't until the scene with him yelling at his family, when he kicks the models of his bridge and building that I realized he was still holding onto the idea of leaving Bedford Falls and doing "big things". It's all because I was looking at it from a completely different perspective than George was.
It's a wonderful life was one of the most compelling movies I have ever watched. First off, for years I have always viewed the movie as another typical Christmas movie. Another replicate of Scrooge. But by using the Apologetics as I viewed the movie, my mind opened up to realize the meaning of the movie was so much more intense. I am very similar to George Bailey, I view life in a idealist view and my desire to help my fellow man/woman! I work a regular 9 – 5 job in order to survive, but ideally, I feel that God has a plan for each and every one of us!
You are so right God do have a plan for all of us. For George's plan was to stay and help the people of his community. He made such a difference in so many lives that when he was at the end of his rope and so very discouraged someone above thought enough of him to send him a guardian angle.
Sometimes I believe I also have a guardian angle, because sometimes I too feel discourage with my life but then someone or something give me a reason to want to live a little longer. Thank you Lord!!!!
It seems so much more rewarding to be giving and helping other people. It is hard to imagine how a Potter can even get up each morning know that only he will benefit at the end of the day. It seems to be such a non fulfilling worldview. Although we read about Potter's every day in the paper and they seem to be plenty happy and full of themselves. I am with you, giving is afar better way to go.