Tonight the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will award the 2015 Best Picture, yet the academy missed most of these “Deep Culture” Impact films. Will this year’s winner one day join this august company?
100+ All-Time Top ‘Deep Culture Impact’ Films (2014)
Nearly two decades of using film to teach worldview to undergraduate students has resulted in a few surprises in which films have had the deepest cultural impact on a generation. Here’s our list of the top 25 films and our pick for “Best Deep Culture Impact” Film for 2013.
The Future of Faith-Based Filmmaking: What is a Christian movie? by Mike Rinaldi
What is the difference between a “Christian” movie and a “Faith-based” film? Many people use the terms interchangeably but they are very distinct things. The distinctions may appear too subtle to make a difference, but believe me, when you talk to studio executives and marketing departments… they are acutely aware of the distinctions. You should be too.
All-Time ‘Deep Culture Impact’ Films
Nearly two decades of using film to teach worldview to undergraduate students has resulted in a few surprises in which films have had the deepest cultural impact upon a generation.