If the stable teaches us anything it’s that you can’t always judge a Christmas classic by its humble beginnings.
30 Favorite Christmas Movies and TV Specials

The second season of LOST introduces yet a third approach to leadership in the person of Dr. Benjamin Linus. As evidenced in the clip below, Ben is the most dangerous type of leader in the postmodern world—a pseudo servant leader, or “power broker.”
In contrast to the “asshole” style of leadership evidenced by Sawyer and his gun (see, Lesson 1), the first season of LOST open’s with a compelling story of a radically different approach: service.
Like all authoritarian leaders, Sawyer understood that a leadership position is often wielded very much like a gun.
One of the key storylines of LOST’s first season is the tension between Jack (Matthew Fox) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) for leadership of the small band of plane crash survivors desperately seeking to balance the twin goals of survival and rescue.
Monica Macer got her big break as a staff writer on the first season of the ABC hit show “LOST.” Monica then spent two seasons on the Fox show, “Prison Break” before moving on to NBC’s “Knight Rider.” Monica is currently serving on the writing staff of MTV’s scripted show “Teen Wolf” as a co-producer.
There is something in the very nature of leadership that implies service. True leaders, those who people follow because they want to not because they have to, always begin with and return to the needs of their followers.
Short clip of Jack’s pivotal speech to the survivor’s of Oceanic flight 815.