n commemoration of Black History Month, I want to share my thoughts about the historical influence of major black religious figures on the movement for freedom and participatory democracy, without regard to race or color, in our own country.
Why Helping Millennials Develop as Leaders Requires a New Mindset, by Adam Vaccaro
Organizations need to shift the mindset of what a good manager does away from hitting those departmental goals–which rely on what he calls talent consumption–to graduating employees into better positions–or talent production.
Twitter Fail: Tweeting Tips for Leaders, by Phil Cooke, PhD
Why your Tweets may be driving people away when you could be sharing your story and connecting it with others by Phil Cooke, PhD, president of Cooke Pictures Scanning the Twitter feeds of nonprofit and religious leaders, it’s pretty easy to…
Why Most Nonprofit Leaders Don’t Ever Want the Top Job Again, by Michael Hartsfield
Moving the Nonprofit Leader from Surviving to Thriving Michael Hartsfield, Ph.D. in Christian Leadership Alliance A headline in the The Chronicle of Philanthropy proclaims, “Many Nonprofit Leaders Don’t Ever Want the Top Job Again, Survey Finds.” Most of the 1,000 nonprofit executives…
The Paradox of Power: A Cure for the Cancer of Pseudo Celebrity?
True leaders, those who people follow because they want to not because they have to, always begin with and return to the needs of their followers.