Special thanks to David Kinnaman for his beautiful Foreword, and to Barbara Brown Taylor for contributing her haunting poem/prayer “The Mountain.”
“Faith Formation Simplified: Guiding People into Spiritual Depth” MasterClass by Dr. Gary David Stratton, Noon Wednesdays (10/9 & 10/16)
Author of The Jesus Climb: Journeying from Student to Disciple “Gradually, very gradually, we saw the great mountain sides and glaciers until far higher in the sky than imagination had dared suggest the white summit of Everest appeared” – George…
Thoughts on Lent (with a Hollywood slant)
My background led me to hold liturgy with a little disdain, and I regret that posture. That day, sitting in a small room not far from the well-known Hollywood sign, I saw something new and fresh.
Watch for the “The Jesus Climb,” April 2024
Gary is currently on a writing break completing edits for The Jesus Climb: Journeying from Student to Disciple (Abilene Christian University Press / Leafwood Publishers, 2024)
Can You Really Call Yourself a ‘Follower of Jesus’ if You Don’t Follow His Teachings? (Podcast)
Gary and Peter Kapsner (Ph.D. Edinburgh) discuss Luke 6:42 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but do not follow my teachings?”
Spiritual Formation: The Four Heart Attitudes (Podcast)
Gary and John C. Lemon discuss the four heart attitudes and the significance of endurance.
Spiritual Formation: Following Jesus as a Student (Podcast)
John C. Lemon interviews Gary on what it meant to following Jesus as a student in the First Century and today.
Story Failure: Why We ‘Lose it’ in High-Stress Environments, Part 2
The stories, beliefs and strategies we develop to survive life’s most painful experiences inevitably fail us in high stress environments. Here’s why.
LOST Lessons of Leadership 3: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – Authoritarian Leadership Learns to Serve
The second season of LOST introduces yet a third approach to leadership in the person of Dr. Benjamin Linus. As evidenced in the clip below, Ben is the most dangerous type of leader in the postmodern world—a pseudo servant leader, or “power broker.”