In our clamorous and rootless society, bravado is potent and expectations are high; great things are expected to happen quickly. Yet noble and daring deeds — ending extreme poverty, reinventing a new model for the music industry, or revitalizing devastated urban centers — require a patient and persistent vision.
Top Posts of the Year: Paparazzi in the Hands of an Angry God
Responses to THW’s #2 Blog Post of the Year–Paparazzi in the Hands of an Angry God–revealed the depth of angst out there balance the desire to maximize the potentialities of the electronic age without being drawn into the “dark side” of self-promotion.
The Paradox of Power: A Cure for the Cancer of Pseudo Celebrity?
True leaders, those who people follow because they want to not because they have to, always begin with and return to the needs of their followers.
Hollywood Responds to “Paparazzi in the Hands of an Angry God”
The goal of Two Handed Warriors is to foster an ongoing conversation seeking to redefine, re-envision, and then reconstruct the relationship between faith and culture. Toward that end, I am posting a few responses to Paparazzi in the Hands of…
Higher Education Responses to “Paparazzi in the Hands of an Angry God”
The goal of Two Handed Warriors is to foster an ongoing conversation seeking to redefine, re-envision, and then reconstruct the relationship between faith and culture. Toward that end, I am posting a few responses to Paparazzi in the Hands of…
Using Worldview to Create Academy Award-winning Films (Series Introduction)
Striving to attain mastery as a Two Handed Warrior occasionally results in some very enjoyable if unintended consequences. Learning to “reverse engineer” Academy Award-winning films in order to teach worldview (see Teaching Worldview Through Film) somehow led to my inadvertently…