In a generation hungering for intimacy at an unprecedented level, can we offer students pathways to encounter the Father’s transforming love? In a generation flocking to supernatural movies, television shows, and video games, can our campus ministries help students experience the kingdom of God breaking into the world in ways that defy all natural explanation?
God and the Super Bowl: Ray Lewis Says God Doesn’t Pick Winners, by Adena Andrews

More than one-quarter of Americans believe that God will influence the outcome of tomorrow’s Super Bowl, but Ray Lewis, one of the most outspoken believers in the NFL, isn’t buying it.
God and the Super Bowl? Awesome Infographic!

Does pre-game prayer or Bible tattoos matter more to God? Who will win the Super Bowl? One in three Americans think God decides the outcome of the game. This great infographic lays out data from nationwide study of football and faith.
Who will win the Super Bowl? 3-in-10 Americans Say God Will Influence the Final Score

Americans are just as likely to say they watch sports at least once a week as they are to say they attend a worship service, but the Super Bowl is where these two pastimes really come together!
The Social Media Effect: Notre Dame’s Quick Response to Manti Te’o Hoax Under Scrutiny

Whether Heisman Trophy finalist Manti Te’o was Victim or Conspirator, Notre Dame officials have entered uncharted waters in the brave new world of social media and higher education. Here’s why.