What if Moses had a Facebook Page?
Awesome Passover Video: What if Moses had a Facebook Page?

What if Moses had a Facebook Page?
Companies spend millions of dollars creating eye-catching Super Bowl ads each year, but the fifth best Super Bowl ad of all time was created by a few two handed warrior friends for a few hundred bucks.
The momentum gathers, but we still need your vote!
Follow up to: The Making of “Fashionista Daddy” Doritos Super Bowl Commercial”
Of the nearly 5,000 commercials submitted to Doritos, five were chosen as finalists for the $1M grand prize, including our spot “Fashionista Daddy.” Here’s the story behind the story.
For those who grew up in a world of rotary phones and dial-up Internet, it is hard to imagine that most teenagers today have no recollection of life before cell phones. In fact, these Millennials have had so much exposure to technology, cell phones and laptops and iPods have become common aspects of everyday life. Which might explain why 94 percent of Millennials have cell phones, and 70 percent have laptops.
Wondering what life is like for these technology-obsessed teens? Confused by how this generation interacts with one another?
An amazing infographic from Online Schools offers a detailed look at the tech-savvy world of these teens and shows the old fogies what they are missing.
In honor of Passover next week we thought this was a perfect example of using new media to teach an old story! Click here if video isn’t visible.
Why Every Believer from Every Generation Should Have an Internet Presence by Mike Friesen I am a Millennial (born in 1987). I use social media (I tweet. I blog. I post status updates.). I have a smart phone. I spend…
by Lauren Hunter @ChurchTechToday When I attended the Bayside Thrive conference last month, I had the pleasure of attending a break out session called, “Social Media Bootcamp” where I met Margaret Feinberg, acclaimed Christian author of two dozen books and multiple Bible studies.…
Fascinating infographic of the use of Social Media and other technology among college faculty and students from mastersineducation.org ++ Click to Enlarge Image ++Via:Masters in Education.org
With Passover beginning next week I thought this was a perfect example of using new media to teach old stories!
Last night, the streets of Cairo erupted in celebration as 18 days of protest led to the surprise announcement that president Hosni Mubarak had resigned after nearly 30 years of irin-fisted rule. Yet the question still remains: What now for Egypt? Shariah Law, Democratic Society, a Military Dictatorship, or something else altogether?