Responsive Menu
Two Handed Warriors
Reflections on Leadership, Faith and Culture by Drs. Sue & Gary David Stratton
Spiritual Formation
Soul-Nourishing Practices in a Soul-Deadening World
Series Introduction (Emmy Magazine Interview)
Connecting to God in Hollywood, the Ivy League, and Beyond
Why Lent is a More Like Moana than Monty Python
Story Failure: Why We ‘Lose it’ in High-Stress Environments
Story Failure: Why We ‘Lose it’ in High Stress Environments
Micro-Worldviews and the Volcano in Your Backyard
Micro-Worldviews, Attachment Theory and the Enneagram
Jonathan Edwards Goes to Movies
What is Spiritual Formation? by Dallas Willard, PhD
The Spiritual Lives of Christian College Students, by Todd Hall
Higher Education
The Holy Spirit and the Liberal Arts
The Greco-Roman Liberal Arts
Rabbinic Higher Education
With Prayer in the School of Christ
St Patrick and a Missional Liberal Arts Education
Do America’s Colleges Need Revival?
A Puritan Vision for American Higher Education
The College Chapel: Medieval Relic or Spiritual Hot Spot?
What does the University have to do with Prayer?
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards, Spiritual Awakening and Cultural Renewal
Does America Need Revival?
Paparazzi in the Hands of an Angry God: The Great Awakening and the Birth of American Celebrity Culture
The First Great Awakening: From British Revival to American Revolution
The Second Great Awakening: From Rural Revival to National Social Movement
The Liberal Arts & Sciences
Cultural Engagement
Worldview and Film
Worldview and the Stories We Live By
Casablanca and the Four Levels of Worldview
Crash Goes the Worldview
Fiddler on the Worldview
It’s a Wonderful Worldview
Capra’s Tale of a Depressed Idealis
It’s a Wonderful Life and the Courage to Live (and Create Art) Idealistically
Dead Poets Worldview
Dead Poets Society 2: Ideas Have Consequences
Screenwriting 101: Why the Story Structure Aerodynamics Matter, by Christopher Riley
The Future of Faith in Film
The Blind Side Leading the Blind: Better Faith-Based Filmmaking by Living Better Stories
I’m a Christian and I Hate Christian Movies, by Alissa Wilkinson
Martin Scorsese’s Silence, and Our Strange New Evangelical America, by Rebecca K. Reynolds
Opening Doors for Others: An Interview with Writer-Producer & Mentor Brian Bird
From Indie Producer to Super Bowl Director to Studio Films: Interview with Producer/Director Mark Freiburger
LOST Lessons of Leadership: What the Island Taught Me About Heroic Character
Spirit-empowered Leadership and the ‘Dangerous Unity’ of Prayer
Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals
Christians Now Outnumber Communists on Chinese Campuses
Chinese Government Crack Down on Beijing Worship Service Could Be Harbinger of New Wave of Persecution
Women of Faith in Leadership
Racial Reconciliation
All-Time Top Films for Deep Culture Impact
Story Structure
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