One of Hollywood’s Brightest Lights Needs Your Prayers “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall…
Voices from the Edge of Culture: Interview with MTV Writer Kevin Chesley
(Note: This interview was conducted before Hard Times‘ cancellation.) I can only hope that Randy Elrod‘s posts on edgy artists helped prepare you for today’s interview with Kevin Chesley, screen and television writer extraordinaire. Kevin’s current assignment is writing for MTV’s…
Support of OCTOBER BABY This Weekend, by Larry Poland, PhD
Dear Two Handed Warriors, I am writing to ask you to consider supporting the film October Baby by attending a showing at your local cinema this weekend. Executive Producer, Dave Alan Johnson, has been…
Study Finds Millennials More ‘Generation ME’ Than ‘Generation WE’, by Joanna Chau
Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled Than Ever Before–and More Miserable by Joanna Chau Millennials, the generation of young Americans born after 1982, may not be the caring, socially conscious environmentalists some have portrayed them to be, according to a study…
Sex, Violence, and the Teenage Music Industry, by Adam Caress
The TV and Film industry’s sexualization of teenage girls pales in comparison to the combination of sex and violence in the music industry Adam Caress is a thoughtful inside commentator on music, faith and culture for Mule Variations: Music Culture…
Is Free Will an Illusion? Neuroscience Takes a Calvinistic Bent
Fascinating (and troubling) forum in Today’s Chronicle of Higher Education Free will has long been a fraught concept among philosophers and theologians. Now neuroscience is entering the fray. For centuries, the idea that we are the authors of our own…
The End of Teaching as We Know It, by Alvaro Gonzalez-Alorda
As a follow up to the J.R. Miller’s wildly successful article “Flipped Theology: How Flipping Your Classroom Increases Learning,” we turned to one of the top slideshares on the new teaching revolution in higher education. by Alvaro Gonzalez-Alorda Six Key…
Young Adults Fleeing Churches That Embrace Partisan Politics, by Jonathan Merritt
The dramatic generational shift away from the church is primarily in reaction to the religious right By Jonathan Merritt Religious pollsters and demographers have long warned that young people were leaving churches in alarming numbers. According to a much talked about…
The Social Media Gospel: We Can’t Be Witnesses Where We’re Not Present
Why Every Believer from Every Generation Should Have an Internet Presence by Mike Friesen I am a Millennial (born in 1987). I use social media (I tweet. I blog. I post status updates.). I have a smart phone. I spend…
Flipped Theology: How Flipping Your Classroom Increases Learning, by J.R. Miller
How a New Learning Technology Seems to Gel with Ancient Christian Theology by J. R. Miller I love the face-to-face interaction of the classroom, and while nothing will ever replace it, there are advantages to using the internet for teaching.…
VIDEO – How Schools Kill Creativity, by Sir Ken Robinson
Two TED messages on education by Sir Ken Robinson pinpoint many of the problems (and some of the solutions) facing education today. How Schools Kill Creativity . . Bring on the Revolution