Note: This paper was originally delivered at the 2012 Society of Vineyard Scholars in Minneapolis, MN. Jonathan Edwards placed the blame for Satan’s victory in the First Great Awakening on the failure of the stage-theory used by the pastors of…
Christians in Hollywood: A Treatment, by Mission Impossible Writer, Ron Austin
Antagonism between Christianity and a Hollywood establishment is part of the rift between Christianity and much of popular culture itself. But the roots of the conflict go much deeper.
Waiting on the Sun, by Patrick Wood
Answering God’s faith-building call By Patrick Wood Called to Hollywood? It wasn’t that I had a difficult time believing Dr. Stratton had, in fact, received such a command from the Lord. His ability to hear from God—an area I hoped to…
Why Won’t Christian Men Date Women in Their Church? by Christy Krumm
It’s not that he’s just not that into you; it’s that the church is just not that into being human. By Christy Krumm “I’ve only gone out with a couple of girls at church, and I won’t do it anymore,” says Luke*,…
Mobile Faith: The Leading Spiritual iPhone Apps, by Jane R. Johnson
Seek sources of inspiration and solace from divine technology by Jane R. Johnson Technology makes our lives much easier in a variety of ways. Today our phones help us shop, locate the best deals, budget our finances, and stay on…
Friday VIDEO: J. K. Rowling’s at Harvard Commencement Address
J.K. Rowling, author of the best-selling Harry Potter book series, delivers her Commencement Address, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination,” at the Annual Meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association. (via . J.K. Rowling Speaks at…
Are Christians Writing “Edgy” for the Wrong Reasons? by Jeff Goins
Good art tests boundaries. It always has. We artists just need to check our motives (and egos) before we endeavor to create it. A Conversation with Randy Elrod’s: Why Christians Are Creating More “Edgy” Art, and C.J. Darlington’s, “Writing edgy… for all…
Called to Hollywood? Act One Screenwriting and Producing Programs Application Deadlines Approaching
The premier training program for filmmakers of faith pursuing careers in mainstream Hollywood “Act One’s Producing Program understands that apprenticeship is vital in Hollywood. Students are exposed to working producers and executives not only in the classroom, but through hands-on…
Can Anything Good Come from Hollywood? Acton Institute Interview with Senior Editor Gary David Stratton
How shalom, common good and prosperity can come from an unlikely place.
Millennial Data Love Debate: Why We Keep Arguing Over the Data We Discover
Are Millennials more influenced by advertising than previous generations, or less influenced? Depends on the data we love the most. by David Kinnaman Millennials (or Gen Y, or Mosaics) have caused a lot of new study and discussion. I was…
Leading in a Dysfunctional System, by Todd W. Hall, PhD
Understanding your own underlying connection strategies can make or break survival in a dysfunctional working environment by Todd W. Hall, PhD Recently, I met with a manager I’ve been working with who is working in a very dysfunctional system. Two…
What Will Smith’s Personal Script Consultant Can Teach You About Story
Moral Premise Workshop: 21 Secrets to Successful #Story Structure for Motion Picture and Novels, by Stanley Williams The Greenhouse Arts and Media is pleased to present an incredible one day seminar 21 Secrets to Successful Story Structure for Motion Picture and Novels led…