Two Handed Warriors

LOST Lessons of Leadership: What the Island Taught Me About Heroic Character

LOST Lessons of Leadership: What the Island Taught Me About Heroic Character

Like all authoritarian leaders, Sawyer understood that a leadership position is often wielded very much like a gun.

One of the key storylines of LOST’s first season is the tension between Jack (Matthew Fox) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway) for leadership of the small band of plane crash survivors desperately seeking to balance the twin goals of survival and rescue.

Current Films by Act One Graduates Reveal Strange Dichotomy in Box Office Mojo’s ‘Christian Movie’ Category

Current Films by Act One Graduates Reveal Strange Dichotomy in Box Office Mojo’s ‘Christian Movie’ Category

Clare Sera’s BLENDED and Andrea Nasfell’s MOM’S NIGHT OUT highlight the strange dichotomy between ‘Christian’ movies and the rest of Hollywood. The legitimacy and media attention are nice, but is it really a good thing for faith-based filmmaking?