College professors don’t get calls from Emmy magazine, do they?
Emmy Magazine’s Interview with Gary, Kurt Schemper, and Korey Scott Pollard

Why Lent is Less Like Monty Python and More Like Moana
Moana can’t create the wind and the waves, but her sail canoe enables her to catch the energy provided by the ocean. Lent is a lot like that.
by Gary David Stratton
“Don’t you think it’s a little odd to give up something for Lent in order to worship a Savior who told us to remember him by eating carbs and drinking alcohol?” she said. How was I supposed to answer that?
How can the church act as the church at a time when the most loving thing we can do is to stay away from other people? In short, we get creative.
“Shelter in Place” takes on new meaning in the light of an ancient psalm.
The stories, beliefs and strategies we develop to survive life’s most painful experiences inevitably fail us in high stress environments. Here’s why.
Contrary to popular belief, the drug of choice in Hollywood, the business world, higher education, (and the church) is not cocaine. It’s adrenaline.
“What was really easy was falling in love with this person, was falling in love with Jesus Christ. That was the most surprising thing.” -Andrew Garfield
It is impossible to love and be loved while filled with a toxic sense of fear and shame.
We must overcome these four deeply rooted response patterns to become all that we are created to be. We must somehow return to the Garden from whence we came.
Of course God is present in all of his creation all of the time, but this is different. I tell my college students: God is ‘in your face’ present!
We can’t escape the pain, darkness, and brokenness of a fallen world, neither can we escape the beauty of Christ’s transforming life. Through the 40 days of lent we acknowledge this, in us, and around us.