What if Moses had a Facebook Page?
How to Act as the Church in a Socially Distanced World
How can the church act as the church at a time when the most loving thing we can do is to stay away from other people? In short, we get creative.
The Social Media Effect: Notre Dame’s Quick Response to Manti Te’o Hoax Under Scrutiny
Whether Heisman Trophy finalist Manti Te’o was Victim or Conspirator, Notre Dame officials have entered uncharted waters in the brave new world of social media and higher education. Here’s why.
The Millennial Teenager: An Infographic
For those who grew up in a world of rotary phones and dial-up Internet, it is hard to imagine that most teenagers today have no recollection of life before cell phones. In fact, these Millennials have had so much exposure to technology, cell phones and laptops and iPods have become common aspects of everyday life. Which might explain why 94 percent of Millennials have cell phones, and 70 percent have laptops.
Wondering what life is like for these technology-obsessed teens? Confused by how this generation interacts with one another?
An amazing infographic from Online Schools offers a detailed look at the tech-savvy world of these teens and shows the old fogies what they are missing.
On Petraeus and Producers: How an Email Trail Can Kill Your Movie Deal or Worse! by Phil Cooke
Remember that the moment you hit “send” on an email, you’ve lost control of it. In that moment of frustration or anger, what you write will live on – and it will be in someone else’s hands.
Twitter Fail: Tweeting Tips for Leaders, by Phil Cooke, PhD
Why your Tweets may be driving people away when you could be sharing your story and connecting it with others by Phil Cooke, PhD, president of Cooke Pictures Scanning the Twitter feeds of nonprofit and religious leaders, it’s pretty easy to…
Awesome Passover Video: Moses’s Facebook Page
With Passover beginning next week I thought this was a perfect example of using new media to teach old stories!