What if Moses had a Facebook Page?
Lessons From a Decade of Teaching Online
Our college places a high value on relational learning, which is much more natural on a campus where students and teachers get to interact during and after classes. Over the years we’ve found that cultivating these relationships online is possible, but takes great intentionality.
How to Act as the Church in a Socially Distanced World
How can the church act as the church at a time when the most loving thing we can do is to stay away from other people? In short, we get creative.
‘Zoombombing’ Attacks Disrupting College Coronavirus Emergency Remote Learning and Online Classes Nationwide
Online Zoom classes were disrupted by individuals spewing racist, misogynistic or vulgar content. Experts say professors using Zoom should familiarize themselves with the program’s settings.
Welcome to Your Hastily Prepared Online College “Remote Learning” Course (Humor)
With the help of our men’s field hockey coach turned online-learning coordinator, I have developed a virtual experience that matches the intimacy and rigor cultivated in my face-to-face class (…or not)!
Academic Branding: Professors Producing Hollywood-Style Previews to Attract Students, by Daniel A. Gross
Harvard University was an early adopter in short videos shared across social networks to boost student interest and attendance as they “shop” for classes. They have an intimacy that course catalogs and posters lack.
The Future of StoryTelling: Wisdom in the Age of Information, by Maria Popova
A great storyteller — whether a journalist or editor or filmmaker or curator or professor or pastor — helps people figure out not only what matters in the world, but also why it matters.
Film Technology Fails: The New Wilhelm Scream, by Scott Hanselman
Hollywood seems determined to make the technology-aware jump up from their seats and scream NO!!! A technical error pulls me out of the story like a slap in the face. It almost physically hurts. I’m not just nitpicking here, either. These aren’t hard things to fix. One just needs to care.
The Social Media Effect: Notre Dame’s Quick Response to Manti Te’o Hoax Under Scrutiny
Whether Heisman Trophy finalist Manti Te’o was Victim or Conspirator, Notre Dame officials have entered uncharted waters in the brave new world of social media and higher education. Here’s why.
Chronicle of Higher Education Top Ten Ed-Tech Stories of 2012
The Chronicle of Higher Education blog “Wired Campus” is one of the top Educational Technology forums in the world. Jeffrey R. Young lists ten top Wired Campus stories of 2012:
The Millennial Teenager: An Infographic
For those who grew up in a world of rotary phones and dial-up Internet, it is hard to imagine that most teenagers today have no recollection of life before cell phones. In fact, these Millennials have had so much exposure to technology, cell phones and laptops and iPods have become common aspects of everyday life. Which might explain why 94 percent of Millennials have cell phones, and 70 percent have laptops.
Wondering what life is like for these technology-obsessed teens? Confused by how this generation interacts with one another?
An amazing infographic from Online Schools offers a detailed look at the tech-savvy world of these teens and shows the old fogies what they are missing.