If a university is not a place where intellectual curiosity is to be encouraged, and subsidized, then it is nothing.
Wanna Win a Nobel Prize? Be Nice! (And Eat More Chocolate)
Surprise! Researchers who hog credit on scientific papers are less likely to win a Nobel prize than those who give younger academics a bit of the spotlight… of course it also helps to eat more chocolate!
Parker Palmer on How to Let Your Life Speak, by Maria Popova
What it takes to learn to listen to the timid wild animal that is the soul.
“Trying to live someone else’s life, or to live by an abstract norm, will invariably fail — and may even do great damage.” -Parker Palmer
Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals
The current spiritual awakening on Chinese campuses could provide China with its best hope for a future of peace and prosperity. The moral strength provided by genuine Christian intellectualism could help shape the People’s Republic of China into the greatest nation on earth.
Empathy, Neurochemistry, and the Dramatic Arc, by Paul J. Zak
Why do our palms sweat as we watch James Bond fight for his life? Paul Zak’s research is uncovering how stories shape our brains, tie strangers together, and move us to be more empathic, generous and connected. Part 1.
Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling, by Paul J. Zak
We found that character-driven stories consistently cause oxytocin synthesis. Viewers will literally bond with the characters and share their emotions, and after the movie ends, they are likely to continue mimicking the feelings and behaviors of those characters.
A Few Surprises (and some Big Questions) in LinkedIn’s Top 25 Schools for Media Professionals
With the education and job history data for over 300 million members at their fingertips, LinkedIn is in a unique position to connect undergraduate programs with a successful career as a Media professional. But USC at #19 and UCLA lower still? Now, that is something to get Hollywood talking.
Welcome to College (Where Religious Freedom Goes to Die?)
Why are colleges and universities — places of higher learning supposedly committed to the free exchange of ideas and beliefs — withdrawing recognition from these groups?
The Real Stories in the Seattle Pacific University Shooting
With Cable news channels predictably focused on the shooter, we thought we’d give you some more important perspectives to guide your prayers.
How Maya Angelou’s Class Changed My Life, by Margaret Feinberg
Ms. Angelou captured my heart and imagination not because of her fame, accolades or literary acclaim, but because she displayed such deep, rich wisdom. Maya Angelou didn’t want us to just have information, she wanted us to take part in the process of transformation.