Liddell regarded as a hero in China: Winston Churchill arranged prisoner swap for the Olympic star’s release from Japanese prison camp only to have Liddell turn it down so a pregnant inmate could gain freedom instead
Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals
The current spiritual awakening on Chinese campuses could provide China with its best hope for a future of peace and prosperity. The moral strength provided by genuine Christian intellectualism could help shape the People’s Republic of China into the greatest nation on earth.
Religion in China – Cracks in the Atheist Edifice, The Economist
China’s Constantine Moment: After simmering in the countryside for decades, Chinese churches are exploding among young urban college educated professionals to such a degree that Chinese Christians now outnumber Communist party members. What’s an atheist state to do?
A Critique of ALL Religions: Chinese Intellectuals and the Church, by David Jeffrey
Follow up to: Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals by David Lyle Jeffrey in Books and Culture I was privileged recently to attend a conference on Marxism and Christianity in China. The venue was…