The good news: there is a process to finishing your screenplay. The bad news: the process doesn’t make chewing the shoe any easier. by Christopher Riley Part 2 in series: Screenwriting 101: Why Story Structure Matters, Even If You Don’t Want…
Why Too Many “Christian” Movies Suck, and Why It Matters, by Brennan Mark Smith
Part of ongoing series: The Future of Faith-Based Filmmaking Many Christians see these movies as a safe alternative to Hollywood’s immorality. Are they? by Brennan Mark Smith People have asked me to write on this for various reasons, but let me…
The Future of Faith-Based Filmmaking: What is a Christian movie? by Mike Rinaldi
What is the difference between a “Christian” movie and a “Faith-based” film? Many people use the terms interchangeably but they are very distinct things. The distinctions may appear too subtle to make a difference, but believe me, when you talk to studio executives and marketing departments… they are acutely aware of the distinctions. You should be too.
Christians in Hollywood: A Treatment, by Mission Impossible Writer, Ron Austin
Antagonism between Christianity and a Hollywood establishment is part of the rift between Christianity and much of popular culture itself. But the roots of the conflict go much deeper.
Waiting on the Sun, by Patrick Wood
Answering God’s faith-building call By Patrick Wood Called to Hollywood? It wasn’t that I had a difficult time believing Dr. Stratton had, in fact, received such a command from the Lord. His ability to hear from God—an area I hoped to…
Called to Hollywood? Act One Screenwriting and Producing Programs Application Deadlines Approaching
The premier training program for filmmakers of faith pursuing careers in mainstream Hollywood “Act One’s Producing Program understands that apprenticeship is vital in Hollywood. Students are exposed to working producers and executives not only in the classroom, but through hands-on…
Can Anything Good Come from Hollywood? Acton Institute Interview with Senior Editor Gary David Stratton
How shalom, common good and prosperity can come from an unlikely place.
What Will Smith’s Personal Script Consultant Can Teach You About Story
Moral Premise Workshop: 21 Secrets to Successful #Story Structure for Motion Picture and Novels, by Stanley Williams The Greenhouse Arts and Media is pleased to present an incredible one day seminar 21 Secrets to Successful Story Structure for Motion Picture and Novels led…
Launch of American Film e-Magazine features FREE Cover Story “SNOW WHITE: TWICE UPON A TIME”
A great industry resource now available in e-version The American Film Academy is proud to announce that AFI has re-launched American Film™, an updated, digital version of our popular newsstand magazine published from 1975-1992. The new American Film™ e-magazine, which…
How Millennials Who Gave Up on Church are Redefining Faith and Re-engaging Community: Series Intro
What looks like the death of religion in America, may in fact be the birth pangs of one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in history. by Gary David Stratton, PhD For nearly 400 years American churches have counted on Easter…
Christian Movie Establishment vs. Blue Like Jazz? Three Perspectives
The Controversy over the Controversial Movie Adaptation of Donald Miller’s Controversial Best-Seller May Be This Year’s “Love Wins” “I’m glad movies like Fireproof exist, and I wish its makers continued success. But most of my movie-going friends are ready for a different…
Well Done, Jack Gilbert: Beloved Hollywood Mentor, Young Life Leader, and Friend (1950-2012)
In our ongoing long lunches at Sharky’s Mexican Grill (Jack is on a first name basis with everyone there) he never ceased to amaze me with insight into life in Christ, and what it takes to make it as a Christian in the entertainment industry.