Two Handed Warriors


The Bible and Women in Church Leadership: A Young Actress’s Perspective, Part 1

The Bible and Women in Church Leadership: A Young Actress’s Perspective, Part 1

Part 1: Confronting the Bewildering Extremes.
The role of women in church leadership causes division among my Christian friends, untold heartache among my girl friends with ministry gifts, and all too often a huge black-eye in my generation’s view of the church. In truth, it would be easier to simply duck the question, but this really isn’t a halfway proposition. I have to decide if want to join a church that fully embraces women in ministry, or one that doesn’t. To join a church that says one thing, but practices another isn’t an option for me.

Jonathan Edwards in a New Light, by Pulitzer Prize Winner Marilynne Robinson

Jonathan Edwards in a New Light, by Pulitzer Prize Winner Marilynne Robinson

A Pulitzer prize-winning novelist writing of her intellectual debt to Jonathan Edwards in a major intellectual journal it is definitely worth a read:
“I have heard it said a thousand times that people seek out religion in order to escape complexity and uncertainty. I was moved and instructed precisely by the vast theater Edwards’s vision proposes for complexity and uncertainty…”-Marilynne Robinson

Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals

Partnership not Persecution: A Modest Proposal for the Future of China and her Christian Intellectuals

The current spiritual awakening on Chinese campuses could provide China with its best hope for a future of peace and prosperity. The moral strength provided by genuine Christian intellectualism could help shape the People’s Republic of China into the greatest nation on earth.