With the education and job history data for over 300 million members at their fingertips, LinkedIn is in a unique position to connect undergraduate programs with a successful career as a Media professional. But USC at #19 and UCLA lower still? Now, that is something to get Hollywood talking.
Who’s Creating the Movies and TV Programs that will Inspire the Next Generation?, by Phil Cooke, PhD
With a current television schedule filled with vampires, corrupt cops, hypocritical politicians, fathers who act like buffoons, soft-core porn, growing levels of violence, and more – who’s producing programs that will do for this generation of kids the same thing that The Lone Ranger and Adam 12 did for the last?
What’s Your Cause, by Marc Erlbaum
It used to be that activism demanded significant energy and time. With the advent of the internet, however, we do not have to travel to the other end of the globe, or venture into dangerous situations closer to home, to witness the plight of those who need our help. It used to be that activism demanded significant energy and time. With the advent of the internet, however, we do not have to travel to the other end of the globe, or venture into dangerous situations closer to home, to witness the plight of those who need our help.
As For Me and My House (We Will Break Your Arms), by Ginger M
My initial neurotic thought was, “Is this a test to see if we really are a Christian family worthy of their house?”
The Great Scythe Hanging Over the Head of the Church, by Ashley Ariel
These doubts and desperate graspings have snowballed into a certain terrible urgency ready to sweep away an entire generation into nihilistic despair. Utterly convinced that this world, this church and this God simply cannot be moved to care.
Beautiful Eyes: The Devil’s Strategy for Luring Girls into Sex Industry, by Dale Kuehne, PhD
Everything changed the day I met the Devil Critics charge that there are no real victims in our society’s headlong pursuit of the sexualization of teenage girls in the film and music industries. We ought to know better. by Dale S. Keuhne,…
Sony Pictures Animation Developing Faith-Based Movie About Nativity Story, by Jeff Sneider
Sony Animation intends to produce an inspiring, respectful and entertaining take on the famous Nativity story while remaining accessible to a broad audiences.
The Joker Is Satan, and So Are We: René Girard and The Dark Knight, by Charles Bellinger, PhD
Part 2 in series: René Girard: The Greatest Christian Intellectual You Never Heard of Christ is not a character in the movie, but he is present throughout, in the sense that his defeat of Satan on the cross, through nonviolent love, put…
Current Films by Act One Graduates Reveal Strange Dichotomy in Box Office Mojo’s ‘Christian Movie’ Category
Clare Sera’s BLENDED and Andrea Nasfell’s MOM’S NIGHT OUT highlight the strange dichotomy between ‘Christian’ movies and the rest of Hollywood. The legitimacy and media attention are nice, but is it really a good thing for faith-based filmmaking?
How Maya Angelou’s Class Changed My Life, by Margaret Feinberg
Ms. Angelou captured my heart and imagination not because of her fame, accolades or literary acclaim, but because she displayed such deep, rich wisdom. Maya Angelou didn’t want us to just have information, she wanted us to take part in the process of transformation.