Why the day my wife announced that she wanted to leave became the best day of my life.
Henchmen, Villains & Uber Villains: What Video Games Teach Us about Drama, by Ashley Arielle
The Art and Architecture of Hollywood, Villains and a Good Story Well-Told by Ashley Arielle from In Defense of Villainy Poor Mario, it’s a good thing he’s so super, because he has the worst luck. If it’s not his girl getting kidnapped,…
Social Media Advice for Churches: Lauren Hunter’s Interview with Margaret Feinberg
by Lauren Hunter @ChurchTechToday When I attended the Bayside Thrive conference last month, I had the pleasure of attending a break out session called, “Social Media Bootcamp” where I met Margaret Feinberg, acclaimed Christian author of two dozen books and multiple Bible studies.…
The Shield About Me: A Day of Thanksgiving for Rosario Rodriguez
The survival rate for a victims of esophageal gunshot wounds is normally 0%.
Is Jesus Still Surrounded by Too Many Men? By Cathleen Falsani
Why is Margaret Feinberg the most influential young woman leader in evangelicalism you’ve never heard of? Cathleen Falsani and Margaret Feinberg are two of my favorite authors and bloggers. Last week they tag-teamed for a thought-provoking article on the future…
J. J. Abrams, Stephen Spielberg, Woody Allen, Elvis, and God’s Unique Work in Us when We’re 14, by Dave Schmelzer
Playwright-turned-pastor Dave Schmelzer is a true two handed warrior with a background both in theology (Fuller Seminary, ’87) and the arts (Stanford University, ’84.) Dave leads a thriving church, The Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Greater Boston, writes fiction, and lives just…
Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Idea – “Five Friends”
“My father always used to say that when you die, if you’ve got five real friends, you’ve had a great life.” -Elbert Hubbard Act One alumni Erik Santiago (writer/director) and Ken Stewart (producer) have teamed up to co-produce a documentary…
Join Phil Cooke’s Father’s Day Movement: Want to Reconnect? Then Disconnect
Phil Cooke is on a crusade. The internationally known writer and speaker, who leads two media companies (Cooke Pictures and TWC Films), has produced media programming in more than 40 countries, appeared on MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and helped some of…
Amazing Video: Homeless Boy Outshines Susan Boyle on Korea’s Got Talent
Never Underestimate the Image of God in Persevering People: Sometimes someone pulls back the veil and takes us somewhere we never thought we’d go this side of eternity He is singing Nell Fantasia an Italian Opera… Here are the lyrics…
Discrimination in the Academy – Researcher Finds Empirical Evidence of Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education
Hollywood and the American University System both under attack for compromising excellence in pursuit of political correctness Last week’s kerfuffle over two books charging Hollywood with bias against conservatives probably won’t make a great deal of difference in the entertainment industry.…
The Secret Knowledge of Prime Time Propaganda: A Christian Response to Pulitzer Prize Winner David Mamet and Journalist Ben Shapiro’s Warnings Against Hollywood’s Left-Leaning Culture
New books by Pulitzer Prize Winner David Mamet and Journalist Ben Shapiro’s are sure to shape industry conversation on faith and culture …for good or for ill.
Henry Petroski on The Value of Failure in Q
A Bridge Too Far Slender, elegant and graceful, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge stretched like a steel ribbon across Puget Sound in 1940. The third longest suspension span in the world opened on July 1st. Only four months later, the great…