by Exfontibus I was thinking of Heaven as I was reading William Butler Yeats‘ classic poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” (below) a couple of days ago. Suddenly it struck me how terrible it would be if Heaven were just a place we…
Pistols at Dawn: Five Steps for Discussing Doctrine Amicably
A few precautions can keep a friendly debate from becoming an ungodly bloodbath by Clint Archer of A seminary cafeteria (or a church coffee bar) can be a veritable gunslinger’s saloon of theological repartee. Quick minds, earnest souls, armed to the teeth…
The Poetry of Batman: This is how The Dark Knight Rises, by Mike Friesen
by Mike Friesen Soren Kierkegaard once said, “What is a poet? An unhappy man who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like lovely…
How do I “break in” as a screenwriter in Hollywood? Phone Seminar Opportunity with Brennan Mark Smith
How do I “break in” as a screenwriter in Hollywood? It is perhaps the most asked question on the Two Handed Warrior website contact page. Screenwriter, screenwriting consultant, and Two Handed Warrior contributor Brennan Mark Smith thinks he knows the…
Screenwriting 101: A Step by Step Guide to Achieving the Impossible – Step 5, by Christopher Riley
Sit down at your keyboard and tackle the script steadily, day by day, knocking down one beat after another. Part of ongoing series: Screenwriting 101: Why Story Structure Matters, Even If You Don’t Want It To Step 5: Writing the first…
Hilarious Video: Theologian N.T. Wright sings “Genesis” to Tune of The Beatles’ “Yesterday” (I kid you not!)
Theologian N.T. Wright sings song he and scientist Francis Collins collaborated on at Rabbit Room. Click here if video is not visible.
Leading in a Dysfunctional System 3: Move Toward Your Strengths
Instead of allowing yourself to be pulled by the uncoordinated demands of a dysfunctional system, you need to push, gradually and incrementally, toward your strengths. Part 3 in series: Leading in a Dysfunctional System. by Todd W. Hall, PhD This is…
The Lord’s Prayer as a Paradigm of Christian Prayer, by N.T. Wright
The Lord’s Prayer is not so much a command as an invitation: an invitation to share in the prayer-life of Jesus himself. by N.T. Wright “AS OUR SAVIOR CHRIST hath commanded and taught us, we are bold to say: ‘Our…
Screenwriting 101: A Step by Step Guide to Achieving the Impossible – Step 4, by Christopher Riley
Like painting a house, the prep work is often more important than the paint itself by Christopher Riley Part of ongoing series: Screenwriting 101: Why Story Structure Matters, Even If You Don’t Want It To Step 4: Develop The One Now that…
Screenwriting 101: A Step by Step Guide to Achieving the Impossible – Steps 1-3, by Christopher Riley
The good news: there is a process to finishing your screenplay. The bad news: the process doesn’t make chewing the shoe any easier. by Christopher Riley Part 2 in series: Screenwriting 101: Why Story Structure Matters, Even If You Don’t Want…
Writing edgy . . . for all the wrong reasons, by C.J. Darlington
Am I ashamed of the gospel? A Conversation with Randy Elrod’s: Why Christians Are Creating More “Edgy” Art, and Jeff Goin’s, Are Christians Writing “Edgy” for the Wrong Reasons? by CJ Darlington In the last couple of years I’ve noticed a trend…
Why Too Many “Christian” Movies Suck, and Why It Matters, by Brennan Mark Smith
Part of ongoing series: The Future of Faith-Based Filmmaking Many Christians see these movies as a safe alternative to Hollywood’s immorality. Are they? by Brennan Mark Smith People have asked me to write on this for various reasons, but let me…