“Take everything that’s bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself… When you are able to say, ‘I am … my shadow as well as my light,’ the shadow’s power is put in service of the good.” -Parker Palmer
The Coddling of the American Mind, by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.
In Elite Schools’ Vast Endowments, Malcolm Gladwell Sees ‘Obscene’ Inequity in Hoarding Money Intended for Students

“I was going to donate money to Yale. But maybe it makes more sense to mail a check directly to the hedge fund of my choice.” – Malcolm Gladwell (Twitter)
Why the Academy Needs a Resurrection of the Soul, by Mark Edmundson

Courage, contemplation, compassion: These are the great ideals of the ancient world. And though their lights are dimming, there is still time to revive them, to examine them, and, if one is so moved, to bring them into one’s own life.
Can Religion and Higher Education Coexist? by Q Ideas

Is newer always better? Most people don’t know that current educational practice is less than a century old. Paradoxically, the harder we try to produce great thinkers similar to those of the past, the further we move from the style of education that produced them.
The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our Susceptibility to Burnout and Disease, by Maria Popova

How your memories impact your immune system, why moving is one of the most stressful life-events, and what your parents have to do with your predisposition to PTSD.
VARIETY: Larry Poland Builds Bridges Between Hollywood and Evangelicals, by Brian Lowry

Hollywood and evangelical Christians don’t exactly have a harmonious history. So it’s always something of a jolt to be reminded that a group of the latter schedules regular prayers for specific showbiz leaders and media influencers.
TONIGHT! Rebranding Christianity, with filmmaker & author Phil Cooke

In a truly post-Christian America, Christians find themselves ostracized, misunderstood, marginalized, and often the victims of seemingly unmerited and scathing accusations. But, the truth is Christians are some of the most giving people on the planet. What went wrong?
Wendell Berry on How to Be a Poet and a Complete Human Being, by Maria Popova

Any readers
who like your poems,
doubt their judgment.
Despite Stigma: Research Points to Maturity of “Boomerang” Millennials, by Corey Magstadt

Think “boomerang” kids are less mature than their peers? Think again. “The negativity surrounding popular views of intergenerational co-residence casts a pall on what can be (and usually is) a rewarding experience.” -Alicia Patterson, PhD
Why White Terrorists Attack Black Churches, by Matthew J. Cressler, PhD

The lines that divide the religious from the political have always been more porous than Thomas Jefferson’s imagined “wall of separation” between church and state. Black churches exist as simultaneously religious and political institutions, and that has made them targets.