With the controversy surrounding Noah flooding the internet (mostly by Christians who have NOT seen the film), Paramount studios asked Phil Cooke to create a short video featuring Christian leaders who HAVE seen the film giving their take on the movie.
There are Artists in the Church??! by Pamela Reynoso
“Oh….you are an artist. How interesting…” And then…an awkward change of topic generally ensues. Immediately.
Hollywood Isn’t a Bible School: Phil Cooke Warns Christians Against Labeling Tinseltown ‘the Enemy ’ in NOAH Movie Furor
Christians have to stop looking at Hollywood as the enemy, and start reaching out. Missionaries have discovered that you don’t change minds by criticism, boycotts or threats. You change minds by developing a relationship and a sense of trust. You work from the inside.
An Era of Neglect: How public colleges were crowded out, beaten up, and failed to fight back, by Karin Fischer and Jack Stripling
The story of public higher education’s transition from a key national priority to an increasingly neglected special interest cannot be laid at the feet of any one individual or ideology. We did this to ourselves and the longterm consequences could be devastating.
100+ All-Time Top ‘Deep Culture Impact’ Films (2014)
Nearly two decades of using film to teach worldview to undergraduate students has resulted in a few surprises in which films have had the deepest cultural impact on a generation. Here’s our list of the top 25 films and our pick for “Best Deep Culture Impact” Film for 2013.
Adult Films: Why Oscars Ignore Movies About Millennials, by John Hanlon
SHORT TERM 12, THE SPECTACULAR NOW, and THE WAY, WAY BACK received as high or higher critical ratings than any of this year’s best picture nominees. So why weren’t any of them nominated?
Support Your Screenwriters of Faith: Go See POMPEII Tonight
A $100 million in special effects make this entertaining spectacle of a morality tale well worth an evening’s investment, and by going tonight, you’ll be helping Lee and Janet shine in an industry focused on little but the first weekend’s bottom-line.
Gaming vs. God: Could XBox Make You an Atheist? by Tom Bartlett
Whether violent video games make you more aggressive has been much debated. Much less discussed is whether video games make you an atheist. New research says they could. What?
Life After Pi: Rhythm & Hues and Hollywood’s Dirty VFX Secret
The amazing story of how a visual special effects company can win an Oscar and go bankrupt in the same month.
The Devil Wears Prada and Worldview Transformation
The fashion industry’s story opens up new plausibility structures for Andy’s decision-making. Her drive to succeed subtly shifts from her original goal of hard journalism to pursuing the goals of Amanda Priestly. Her journey toward the dark side begins with a single dress. But will it forever dominate her destiny?