In all my relationships—but especially with the people I lead—my job is to go first in doing everything I can to repair the rupture.
A Conversation with Visual Artists Makoto Fujimura and Bruce Herman re “QU4RTETS”
Cairn University hosted an exhibition of QU4RTETS, a collaborative response to T. S. Eliot’s “Four Quartets” in word, image, and music, by Jeremy Begbie, Makoto Fujimura, Bruce Herman, and Christopher Theofanidis. Artists Fujimura and Herman presented this gallery talk about their paintings.
The Joker Is Satan, and So Are We: René Girard and The Dark Knight, by Charles Bellinger, PhD
Part 2 in series: René Girard: The Greatest Christian Intellectual You Never Heard of Christ is not a character in the movie, but he is present throughout, in the sense that his defeat of Satan on the cross, through nonviolent love, put…
Hollywood’s Fault and ‘The Fault in Our Stars,’ by Marc Erlbaum
With a spate of teen fantasy films transporting us from reality over the past several years, TFIOS is a welcome return to the world that we actually inhabit.
The Real Stories in the Seattle Pacific University Shooting
With Cable news channels predictably focused on the shooter, we thought we’d give you some more important perspectives to guide your prayers.
How Maya Angelou’s Class Changed My Life, by Margaret Feinberg
Ms. Angelou captured my heart and imagination not because of her fame, accolades or literary acclaim, but because she displayed such deep, rich wisdom. Maya Angelou didn’t want us to just have information, she wanted us to take part in the process of transformation.
Two Views of Revenge from “Princess Bride” star Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya)
Mandy Patinkin reveals the secret personal fuel behind his creation of Inigo Montoya’s drive for revenge in the original film shoot, and his profound insight into revenge 25 years later. (Video)
Why ‘Noah’ Is the Biblical Epic that Christians Deserve, by Justin Chang
Detractors of the film are in peril of ignoring one of the great recurring themes of Scripture: that God can and does use the most unlikely characters to glorify His name and advance His purposes.
Blogging in the Midst of Controversy, by Adrian Warnock
Is my blog free from envy, or am I secretly wishing I was as popular as the person I am condemning?
Why Helping Millennials Develop as Leaders Requires a New Mindset, by Adam Vaccaro
Organizations need to shift the mindset of what a good manager does away from hitting those departmental goals–which rely on what he calls talent consumption–to graduating employees into better positions–or talent production.
Surfing Secularism: Why Fighting the Rest of the World is a Losing Strategy for Churches, by Dave Schmelzer
Christians have been negotiating the relationship between churches and the wider, secular culture ever since there was a discernible “secular culture.” What’s new is how many young evangelical church leaders are learning to surf, rather than draw lines against, secular culture.