Resources for faculty and campus ministers seeking to help students on their journey to discipleship
TEACHING THE JESUS CLIMB: Fostering a community of faculty, campus ministers, student life leaders, pastors, and youth workers seeking to guide students on their climb to authentic discipleship.
The Jesus Climb is now available on Amazon
“I’ve known Gary Stratton since he was one of my first professors at university. He is a trustworthy guide to the rarefied air of true discipleship. I have read hundreds of books on the person and work of Jesus, and The Jesus Climb is simply one of the best. ”
From the Foreword by DAVID KINNAMAN, Barna CEO, and New York Times best-selling author of Faith for Exiles, Good Faith, You Lost Me, and unChristian.

Featuring ‘The Mountain’ by BARBARA BROWN TAYLOR, New York Times best-selling author of Learning to Walk in the Dark, Holy Envy, Feasting on the Word, and An Altar in the World.
Free Examination Copies and Student Discounts
Free Examination Copy: A free digital copy of The Jesus Climb is available HERE on NetGalley. (If you would prefer a physical copy of The Jesus Climb, please send appropriate mailing instructions to
Textbook Discounts: Textbook orders can be made directly through Abilene Christian University Press & Leafwood Publishers ( for a substantial discount.
Faculty and Group Leader Resources
Once complete, this TEACHING THE JESUS CLIMB page will provide the following resources:

Powerpoints: Editable slide decks you can download for use in your class or group. See sample slides here.

Worksheets: Reproducible worksheets for discussion starters, homework, handouts, etc. See a sample worksheet here.
Podcast: Gary partnered with NT scholar and “Deeper Magic” podcast host Peter Kapsner to create the podcast series “Teaching The Jesus Climb” for educators and ministers using The Jesus Climb in their formal or informal teaching.
Listen to a sample of Gary and Peter (and Peter’s daughter and Bethel University student, Anna) on the “Deeper Magic” podcast here.
Blog Posts: Regular insights from Gary and other members of The Jesus Climbing Community. Search through Gary’s blog posts here.
Gatherings: Zoom and live-fire discussions for teaching The Jesus Climb.
Speaking: Recordings from Gary’s speaking gigs, plus inquiries for those interested in having Gary visit your campus. Hear a sample of Gary speaking at a Christian College here.
Using The Jesus Climb as a Textbook
Drawing upon the best of biblical scholarship concerning Jesus’s teaching on what it means to be his disciple (mathetes), The Jesus Climb crafts George Mallory’s quest to climb the world’s tallest mountain into a parable illustrating how Jesus trained his first students to summit the world’s greatest commandment. In the same way that summiting Everest was physically impossible until Mallory’s climbers learned the transformational power of the upward/downward acclimatization process, Jesus trained his disciples that they were powerless to grow as disciples until they mastered both the ascent of a higher and higher commitment to loving God and neighbor, and the decent into a deeper and deeper experience of the intimate, transforming, and other-centered love of God.
Like George Mallory scanning too low on the horizon to see Everest’s peak towering above him, the lack of Christlikeness in contemporary Christianity stems from our inability to imagine the impossible heights to which Jesus calls us and the “expedition camps” he has mapped out for our spiritual acclimatization. We will never be able to join Jesus in his mission to heal our broken world until we dare to join him on the journey to the summit of spiritual, intellectual, and experiential transformation. Only then can we become the kind of people who love God and neighbor as he did–the kind of people he called “disciples.”
Early Endorsers
“This is not a pop-out trivial treatment of discipleship. Gary’s writing is informed by solid scholarship, yet it is not pedantic. It is personal, engaging, realistic, and helpful in the climb and adventure of following Jesus in this world.” —Michael J. Wilkins, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament Language and Literature at Talbot School of Theology
“The Jesus Climb is a gift! Gary Stratton calls us to the adventure of discipleship and packs his guidebook for spiritual “mountaineers with creative practices, fresh readings of Scripture, and loads of inspiring stories. Get ready to follow Christ as the ultimate Sherpa and develop the strength needed to ascend with him to the heights.” —Gwenfair Walters Adams, Ph.D., Professor of Church History and Spiritual Formation, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Stratton’s approach to discipling students is unique in the student discipleship materials, and a must read for all who care about the next generation knowing, loving and embodying Jesus.” —MaryKate Morse, Professor of Leadership and Spiritual Formation at Portland Seminary
“I loved this book! Well-written, accessible, wise, and seasoned by years of experience discipling students. Gary is a trustworthy sherpa guiding you on the journey up and down the Mt. Everest of discipleship. This book is a trail guide that you can follow as you lead others in this process. I will be using this book in my classes at Asbury University to continue priming the pump for renewal in students’ lives.” —James W. Shores, Professor of Communication at Asbury University
“The Jesus Climb is a thought-provoking guide for anyone seeking to understand what Jesus says about true discipleship. Gary Stratton doesn’t just talk the talk, he embodies it.” —Sandra Uwiringiyimana, Human Rights Advocate. Author of How Dare the Sunrise
“The Jesus Climb brilliantly provides young adults with a pathway for taking responsibility for their faith formation. Stratton skillfully conceived these truly timeless concepts that resonate with each generation.” —Mark Cannister, Professor of Christian Ministries at Gordon College
“Stratton has penned a spiritual formation classic. Every chapter climaxes with spiritual practices that will change your life. After forty years of discipling college students, I know no better book to help transform their lives.” —Tammy McLeod, President of the Harvard Chaplains, Cru Director, Author of Hit Hard
“Honest, personal, practical, wise—Gary Stratton writes out of his love for Jesus and his love for students. Using his knowledge of the Bible, stories of Jesus’s followers through history, fascinating accounts of attempts at Mt. Everest, and his own journey, he brings real-life insight into what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.” —Jay Barnes, President Emeritus, Bethel University; President of the Christian College Consortium
“I love The Jesus Climb—both the book in your hands and the rich, crucial, life-and-death quest that it describes. Gary Stratton clearly understands the struggle of discipleship. He knows what it’s like to clamber toward the summit of authentic spirituality, mature Christianity (marked by a genuine love for God and those around us). The life he commends involves sacrifice and suffering but leads to profound joy, peace, and belonging.” —Douglas A. Sweeney, PhD, Dean, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; author of The Substance of Our Faith:
About the Author
Gary David Stratton (B.A., Wheaton College; M.A. studies, Fuller School of Mission and Theology, M.A., Ph.D., Talbot School of Theology, Biola University) is a leading voice in the national conversation on the holistic spiritual formation of students and faculty. Gary has served as a professor, campus minister, vice president, and board member at ten universities in the U.S. and China, and as a Senior Fellow for The Association of Biblical Higher Education. He co-founded the Future of Hope Youth Theology Institute, The Three Rivers Congregational Collaborative, and the award-winning website Gary also served as Executive Director of Act One, Hollywood, as a student minister for Cru, and as a church planter, youth pastor, lead pastor, and teaching pastor for five churches. Gary currently serves as Professor of Spiritual Formation and Cultural Leadership and Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Johnson University, TN, where he and his wife, Dr. Sue Stratton, are known for their deep love for students and those who teach and lead them.
Target Audience
Field-tested in nearly one hundred sections of “Life and Teachings of Jesus,” “Spiritual Formation and Leadership,” “Evangelism and Discipleship,” and “First-year Seminar,” as well as countless conferences, workshops, and retreats with students, faculty, church leaders, and Hollywood professionals, The Jesus Climb seeks to cast a vision for following Jesus capable of recapturing the imagination of a disillusioned generation. It is perfect for students of any age who find themselves in the liminal space between curiosity and commitment, deconstruction and renewal, worship and doubt.Further Endorsements
Further Endorsements
David S. Medders, Executive Vice President, The Association of Biblical Higher Education “The Jesus Climb is a powerful tool for educators and pastors seeking to connect discipleship to spiritual awakening in the lives of those they lead.”
Peter B. Kapsner, PhD, New Testament scholar, Theology Professor, Bethel University, MN: Gary connects so easily with students—and other listeners—with the kind of substance, meaning, and depth in our Christian faith that is life-changing. The Jesus Climb has the potential to revolutionize the life of an individual, family, and church by inviting us into a rigorous and ravishing vision for following Jesus and how we can genuinely shine his beautiful light in the world.”.
Alan Hirsch, award-winning author, including The Forgotten Ways; Founder of Movement Leaders Collective and Forge Missional Training Network: Written in both a reflective and captivating style, The Jesus Climb beautifully portrays the intricate path of authentic discipleship. Infused with real-life stories of biblical, historical, and present-day disciples, The Jesus Climb offers a compelling vision of what it means to live a life fully aligned with Jesus.
Richard L. Gathro, EdD, International Arts & Education Traveler, US Liaison Officer, Kellogg College, Oxford: The Jesus Climb is written for those wishing to discover what it means to be true followers of Jesus rather than mere advocates of Christianity. Cleverly woven as a challenging climb for those seeking intimacy with God, it is practical, honest, and frank. Laced with human interest stories for illustration, the book examines what it means to surrender to the One who first loved us, embody his teaching, and join the community he is creating.
Jodi L. Porter, EdD, Director of Education for Ministry Innovation, Acadia Divinity College: Gary provides a fresh, accessible mnemonic metaphor for Christian formation. Like a Sherpa guiding seekers on Mt. Everest to the top and back, he shares hard-earned wisdom from his faith journey to guide God-seekers not only to a summit but on a long-term expedition to love God, self, and neighbor. Complete with practical exercises, the book is an essential resource for all who may have experienced a revival in their lives and wonder what’s next.”
Rob Blackaby, President, Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary and College: Stratton’s writing is compelling and intensely practical. He provides an abundance of actionable advice for next steps for every disciple’s spiritual formation. And he does this with humility and grace, as someone who has spent a lifetime learning how to navigate the exhilarating and demanding terrain of the embodied Christ life.
Shane J. Wood, Professor of New Testament & Its Origins, Ozark Christian College; author of Between Two Trees: Gary Stratton harnesses personal stories, scriptural insight, spiritual practices, and a diverse cloud of witnesses to clarify Christ’s command to ‘Follow me.’ Stratton’s easy and accessible writing style enhances his practical and patient approach to becoming a disciple. The Jesus Climb will enrich Christians of every age, calling all generations to partner with the Spirit to ascend and descend the mountain of Christ that oddly resembles Calvary and a cross.
Mark Sargent, Senior Fellow, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities: Gary Stratton has long been committed to strengthening the faith of his students at their most vulnerable moments—not just sustaining their faith but nurturing it for the challenges ahead. The Jesus Climb seeks to bolster the spiritual ‘red cell count’ for the long ascent. Rooted in personal anecdotes and hard questions, the book offers practical counsel and inspiration, always alert to the ways Jesus taught and walked the trail before us.
Kirk McClelland, EdD, Professor of Service Learning, Director of First-Year Studies, Johnson University: The discipleship concepts in The Jesus Climb transformed my life as a student. Now they are transforming the lives of the students in my classroom. I trust you too will grow as you learn to follow our Lord Jesus as your Teacher and to live, and to live out Jesus’ teachings in every area of your life.