A great industry resource now available in e-version
The American Film Academy is proud to announce that AFI has re-launched American Film™, an updated, digital version of our popular newsstand magazine published from 1975-1992. The new American Film™ e-magazine, which officially launched on April 1 and is available exclusively to AFI members, takes readers behind the camera for a personal look at the art and craft of filmmaking through in-depth articles, new and archival video clips and other features. Each month, it provides insight into the imaginations of our greatest artists, while celebrating those who helped shape our history through the art of the moving image.

"Mirror, Mirror" and "Snow White and the Huntsman" brings the total number of screen adaptations of the Brothers Grimm fairytale to 51. Neither looks likely to improve upon Walt Disney's original.
By joining AFI as a member, you will help us preserve the history of film, honor the artists and their work and educate filmmakers and film audiences across the nation. In gratitude for your support, we offer a series of benefits that give insider access to the magic of motion pictures. To become an AFI member and receive benefits including American Film™, click here.
Click here for free sample of April edition cover story “SNOW WHITE: TWICE UPON A TIME” tracing Hollywood’s fascination with Snow White and fairytales
See you at the movies!