Two Handed Warriors

Is Jesus Still Surrounded by Too Many Men? By Cathleen Falsani

Why is Margaret Feinberg the most influential young woman leader in evangelicalism you’ve never heard of?

Cathleen Falsani and Margaret Feinberg are two of my favorite authors and bloggers. Last week they tag-teamed for a thought-provoking article on the future of female leadership in evangelicalism. I came away more determined than ever to seek to be part of the solution not the problem. Why?  I’ve seen too much waste of God-given gifts and talents in the church.

Today we interviewed a faculty candidate to teach communication in ministry for our department. The candidate was a gifted teacher who not only possesses all the requisite communication and theological degrees, they’re also an award-winning speaker, as well as a former TV anchor and talk show host.

The only thing lacking on their CV was extensive preaching experience. Why? Her local church will only allow her to do the announcements!

We recommended her for the job anyway. We don’t want our students to miss the privilege of being instructed by such a gifted and anointed teacher–a privilege the congregants in her own church may never know. Personally, I think that’s a crime against the kingdom of God.

You may disagree, but I highly recommend that you wrestle with the issue as Cathleen and Margaret explore it their interview.

May their tribe increase!


Jesus is Still Surrounded By Too Many Men

By in the Huffington Post.

Pop quiz: Name three women leaders in evangelical Christianity.

Not including women known primarily as partner to their better-known husbands. And just to make it interesting, let’s say they have to be under age 60.

Stumped? Don’t feel too badly. You’re not alone.

Back in 2005 when Time magazine published its list of the “25 Most Influential Evangelicals,” only four women made the cut — and just two without their husbands. Of the two solo women, Diane Knippers and Joyce Meyer, only Meyer is involved in actual church leadership.

But Meyer turned 68 earlier this month, and Knippers (then president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy), died of cancer shortly after the Time designation.

From the outside, the evangelical Christian world, insomuch as it is identified by its “celebrities,” looks like Jesus’ good ol’ boys club: decidedly male and predominantly white.

In the words of the R&B group 702, “Where my girls at?”

Enter Margaret Feinberg

Since she began her writing career in 2001, Margaret Feinberg, 37, has written more than two dozen books, including the critically acclaimed “The Organic God,” “The Sacred Echo” and “Scouting the Divine.” She is a sought-after speaker for gatherings of young evangelicals including Catalyst, Thrive and Creation Festival.

In 2005, Charisma magazine listed her among the 30 Christian leaders under 40 who represent “the future of the American church.”

She’s probably the most influential young woman leader in evangelicalism you’ve never heard of…

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2 thoughts on “Is Jesus Still Surrounded by Too Many Men? By Cathleen Falsani

  1. Jon F. Dewey

    The headline on this article is misleading. You have to read the entire thing to understand the real issue, and the woman being interviewed stated it:

    ""It's not a gender thing," Feinberg said. "There are thousands of pastors and writers and speakers all across the country of all races and ages who are doing incredible things for the kingdom (of God) who you won't see up there either. "

    The ghettoization is not by gender, but by ideology. Denominations and churches do not invite or recognize anyone who is outside of their belief set, unless that person is already a "superstar" type.

    The funny thing is — anyone under 60 will not be asked to speak at the events promoted by the established over 60 types, yet the "young" events won't ask anyone over 45! In either case, its not about gender, its about dearth of ideas and of only looking for speakers who will say what they want to hear. Trendy is in, truth is out.

  2. ronj

    Women in ministry is not something I have ever had to struggle with. I come from a charismatic/Pentecostal/fundamentalist background where the doctrine of the churches I attended stated that women could function in any leadership position. The head pastors (male) invariably bragged about how women could function in every area of ministry. Still, my observation from the several congregations I attended showed that women always ended up as children’s ministry or women’s ministry pastors. So in that regard, I think the back slapping was a bit premature.
    Yes, this is a big problem as well as a nasty stain on what should be a level playing field for all people who are Christian and desire to minister to the fullness of their gift, regardless of sex, race, color, or creed. My recent intensive studies into inerrancy verses infallibility suggest that the shifting views on these biblical perspectives may be the foundation that is allowing many static Christian positions and concepts about social and theological constructions to change.

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