Two Handed Warriors

15 Reasons I Left Church, by Rachel Held Evans

Part 6 in series How Millennials Who Gave Up on “Church” are Redefining Faith and Re-engaging Community.

“We aren’t looking for a faith that provides all the answers; we’re looking for one in which we are free to ask the questions.” – Rachel Held Evans, Evolving in Monkey Town, p. 204

by Rachel Held Evans

Eight million twenty-somethings have left the church, and it seems like everyone is trying to figure out why.

David Kinnaman has recently authored a book entitled, You Lost Me, which details the findings of Barna researchers who interviewed hundreds of 18-29 year-olds to discover the Reasons (and  Myths) why young adults are leaving the church. Christian Piatt offered seven reasons here, and four more reasons here.

I left the church when I was twenty-seven. I am now thirty, and after trying unsuccessfully to start a house church, my husband and I are struggling to find a faith community in which we feel we belong. I’ve been reluctant to write about this search in the past, but it seems like such a common experience, I think it’s time to open up, especially now that I’ve had some time to process. But let’s begin with fifteen reasons why I left:

1. I left the church because I’m better at planning Bible studies than baby showers…but they only wanted me to plan baby showers.

2. I left the church because when we talked about sin, we mostly talked about sex.

3. I left the church because my questions were seen as liabilities.

4. I left the church because sometimes it felt like a cult, or a country club, and I wasn’t sure which was worse.

5. I left the church because I believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that humans share a common ancestor with apes, which I was told was incompatible with my faith.

6. I left the church because sometimes I doubt, and church can be the worst place to doubt.

7. I left the church because I didn’t want to be anyone’s “project.”

8. I left the church because it was often assumed that everyone in the congregation voted for Republicans.

9. I left the church because I felt like I was the only one troubled by stories of violence and misogyny and genocide found in the Bible, and I was tired of people telling me not to worry about it because “God’s ways are higher than our ways.”

10. I left the church because of my own selfishness and pride.

11. I left the church because I knew I would never see a woman behind the pulpit, at least not in the congregation in which I grew up.

12. I left the church because I wanted to help people in my community without feeling pressure to convert them to Christianity.

13. I left the church because I had learned more from Oprah about addressing poverty and injustice than I had learned from 25 years of Sunday school.

14. I left the church because there are days when I’m not sure I believe in God, and no one told me that “dark nights of the soul” can be part of the faith experience.

15. I left the church because one day, they put signs out in the church lawn that said “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman: Vote Yes on Prop 1,” and I knew the moment I saw them that I never wanted to come back.

“I am convinced that what drives most people away from Christianity is not the cost of discipleship but rather the cost of false fundamentals.” –Rachel Held Evans,  Evolving in Monkey Town, p. 207

Later this week I’ll be sharing more about why I stayed with the Church–with a capital-C-– and about our search for a local faith community.

Next Post in Series:  15 Reasons I Returned to The Church, by Rachel Held Evans


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Buy Rachel’s Books:

Evolving in Monkey Town: How a Girl Who Knew All the Answers Learned to Ask the Questions

A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband Master (Coming October, 2012)



3 thoughts on “15 Reasons I Left Church, by Rachel Held Evans

  1. Pingback: The Danger of Calling Behavior ‘Biblical’, by Rachel Held Evans | Two Handed Warriors

  2. Pingback: Four More (BIG) Reasons Young Adults Quit Church, by Christian Piatt | Two Handed Warriors

  3. Pingback: The Zacchaeus Generation: Identity, Community, and Seeing, by Mike Friesen | Two Handed Warriors

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