Two Handed Warriors

liberal arts

The Liberal Arts Major’s Revenge: Better Long Term Earning Power, By George Anders in WSJ

The Liberal Arts Major’s Revenge: Better Long Term Earning Power, By George Anders in WSJ

Once people reach their peak-earnings ages of 56 to 60, liberal-arts majors are 3% ahead of the people with degrees in vocational fields, and each discipline’s top 10% lifetime earners, both history ($3.75M) and philosophy majors’ ($3.46M) outstrip even computer science stars ($3.2M). -Wall Street Journal

The surprising institutions that refuse to drop the liberal arts, by Jon Marcus

The surprising institutions that refuse to drop the liberal arts, by Jon Marcus

As mainstream universities and colleges cut liberal-arts courses and programs in favor of more vocational disciplines, and the number of students majoring in the humanities continues to decline, unexpected types of institutions are expanding their requirements in the liberal arts with the conviction that these courses teach the kinds of skills employers say they want, and leaders need: critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication.