Two Handed Warriors

Can Religion and Higher Education Coexist? by Q Ideas

Q Ideas


The Religion of the Academy

Since the Enlightenment, Europe has observed the slow divorce of the church from the university. What does it look like to be an educated Christian in an age in which the intellectual elite have written off faith as bad scholarship?


Religion, Culture, and Higher Education

Why is it important that religious institutions exist in American public life? Gordon College President Michael Lindsay discusses principled pluralism and the future of religious educational institutions.


The Future of the Christian University

Will faith-based institutions be faced with a decision to deny their convictions or lose their tax-exempt status?


Ancient Future Education

Is newer always better? Most people don’t know that current educational practice is less than a century old. Paradoxically, the harder we try to produce great thinkers similar to those of the past, the further we move from the style of education that produced them.


The Future of Education

How could American education, like American culture, become dominant in the global world again? Is it possible?

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